Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tattoo commissions are proving to be popular..

That's right, I've finished one tattoo commission and immediately got one more, as well as prospects for up to three additional ones! Who knew tattoo design would prove to be where the bulk of my commissions come in. Here's the one I finished for a friend; she wanted a shooting star with a little UMPH:

Aaaaaaaaaaand, just because you blog-followers get more stuff than the people who only watch my art site, here's the initial four I designed for her:

(And, in regards to the blatant watermarks -- yes, I went there. If anyone steals any of these designs, I will SO cut you. They are for her use only.) Anyway, tattoo commissions range from $5-10 for a small one with minimal detail, $10-20 for a large one with a medium amount of detail (the one above was $20), and $30-40 for a large one with complex details (I have a 30-dollar one in the making at the moment). For more info about non-tattoo commissions, check out my post here.

I also finally finished that totally awesome super secret picture I've been working on! And heeeeeere it is:
(Click to enlarge, "dirty" version here.)

I lurve it so~ ;_; I'm thinking about adjusting the size (adding some thick borders to the top and bottom) so it can be made into a poster for my room (the original image is definitely big enough). It even got front page on SheezyArt, despite not being anime. Golly!

In addition, I'd like to say a HUGE congratulations to my amazing boyfriend Jay -- he graduated with his Masters in accounting today!!!! I love him so much and I couldn't be more proud. I drew this cheesy facebook graffiti for him at like 4am:

I think I just may have a future in the greeting card industry. Come on, super proud, and he's a super hero. I THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE, OKAY? Look, I even gave him the beady Marvel eyes and pointy Marvel nose. Btw, his "cape" is actually the olive drab hood that he had/got (depending on your view on olive drab and hoods) to wear to his graduation.

So, tattoo business, greeting card business, or relying on my boyfriend with his fancy degree in accounting. Looks like whatever happens, I'm pretty set. ;3

♥ Rosie xoxo

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh, to be young and ready to work.

Been super busy learning to drive (yes, I am almost nineteen -- 23 more days -- and I still can't drive), picking up job applications, going to the gym, and hanging out with my mom (who also happens to be one of my best friends)!

I have had time, however, to paint a ceiling tile for Tijuana Flats, which is this delicious Mexican place I'm applying to. They give out their ceiling tiles for people to paint so when I asked for an application I asked for one of them! I have a good feeling about that place, btw. Anyway, here it is:

(Click to enlarge.)

Señor Squid. Omg. I'm kind of obsessed with it. Like a lot. I almost don't want to give it back, but that is bad art karma!!! Have some details:

The colors are more accurate in the first picture, by the way. Not sure what happened with the closeups!

Anywaysssss, one thing that Señor Squid did teach me is that I'm actually not as terrible at painting as I thought! It turns out the quality of paint I was using before was just... not right. I'm not sure if it was a lower quality (it was more expensive than the ones I bought for this painting), but whatever! I've found a brand that works, so expect more paintings from me in the future!

I alsooooo took a WIP shot of the piece I'm workin' on:

Flowers and legs and tentacles, oh my! Still gotta shade it and finish up flower placement, then I can show you guys. Stoked!

Anyway, that's it for now~ Buy commissions; I'm workin' on em now!

♥ Rosie xoxo